I like to describe myself in 6 words: open-minded, critical thinker, ambitious, linux-geek, punctual & team player.
I'm a provider of simplicity in a world of cloud complexity.

Libbrecht Jonas
A quick summary of my (daily) toolset and my hobbies
- Daily driver: Arch Linux
- Server OS: CentOS, AlmaLinux, Ubuntu, Raspbian, RHEL
- Programming languages: Python, Go
- Project related: Gitlab, Github
- Automation: Ansible, Puppet, Gitlab CI, ...
- IDE: PyCharm
- Open Source projects: AGopengps, Openmower, KNX, HomeAssistant, Kubernetes, Podman, Prusa3D, ...
- Languages: Dutch, English, French
- Hobbies: Farming, skiing, gaming, woodworking, arborist, ...
- Others:
dig +short use.jonaslibbrecht.be TXT
Libbrecht Jonas
Innovative and sprint-driven System Engineer with 9+ years of experience designing and engineering industry standard infrastructure on-prem or/and cloud centric.
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Home: Ghoy, Hainaut, Belgium
- Work: Brussels, Belgium
Residential Electrician - Electricity & Domotics
2017 - 2020
Syntra West, Kortrijk, Belgium
- Installing residential electricity according to the AREI
- Renovating old residential houses their electricity setup according to the AREI
- Preparing required documents for inspection according to the AREI
- Installing home batteries & solar panels (for off-grid housing)
- Home automation with KNX, Siemens logo, Niko home, ...
- BA5 Certified
Bachelor - Networking & Cyber Security
2013 - 2015
VIVES University of Applied Sciences, Kortrijk, Belgium
Thesis: Proximus, Linux Operations team
Completed with highest distinction: Cloudstaging, rightsizing & automation of virtual (Linux) machines.
Professional Experience
Cyber Security Specialist - OLAF, European Commission
May 2020 - Present
Freelance - Brussels, Belgium
Investigation of fraud against EU budget, corruption and serious misconduct within European institutions, and developing anti-fraud policy within the EU.
System Engineer - VLOOT, Agency for maritime & coastal services
Dec. 2019 - May 2021
Freelance (parttime) - Ostend, Flanders, Belgium
- Managing (reverse) proxy in docker.
- Managing / updating / retrofitting linux servers. (Ubuntu flavored)
- Managing communication infrastructure for maritime vessels
System Engineer - Isabel Group
Dec. 2019 - May 2020
Freelance - Brussels, Belgium
- OpenStack RHEL 13 design and setup
- Fintech application onboarding on OpenStack & OpenShift 4
Software Developer - Vers fruitsap BVBA
Sept. 2017 - Aug 2018
Freelance (parttime) - Waregem, Flanders, Belgium
- Development of CRM and digital processes with:
- Python, HTML, JavaScript
- Big data analysis via Microsoft Power BI
System Engineer - Proximus
Apr. 2017 - July 2019
Freelance - Brussels, Belgium
- OpenStack Telco Cloud Engineering:
- Setup of production ready OpenStack RHEL 10 & 13 Cisco ACI
- OpenStack automated orchestration, integration testing & automated stability testing based on OpenStack RHEL & Cisco ACI + N7K
- Cisco ACI orchestration and automation
- Linux operations & engineering:
- LDAP Linux & UNIX migration & management (auto provisioning)
- VMware automated migrations via Ansible (2K+ machines)
- API development: LDAP, infrastructure showback, ...
- VMware auto provisioning: high availability & DRS via Ansible
- Gitlab management
System Engineer - Open vStorage
May. 2015 - Apr. 2017
Fulltime - Brussels, Belgium
- Designing & automating (large) setups via Ansible
- Research and development in addition to the continous integration workflow
- Automating and speeding up continious integration workflow via Jenkins
- 2nd & 3rd line support
- Troubleshooting complex new unknown issues that show up during whitebox testing
- Documenting blackbox tests for other QA teams
- Performance testing/tweaking through whitebox testing
- Research and development in addition to the Open vStorage object storage cloud
Offered services for who are in need for

From the network layer to fully managed infra, OS patching, security implementations / auditing, KVM tuning, (forensic) logging, ...

Agile software programming
Python, Go, HTML, JavaScript, (REST) API's, SQL, JSON, YAML, Scrum, Static Site Generation, One page websites, Frontend for CDN, ...

Cloud & on-premise management
Design, management, setup & migration from on-premise to cloud or vise versa

Containerization & microservices
OpenShift 4 architect for application containerization and microservices